Marketing Management

For small to medium sized businesses, it usually becomes impossible to dedicate the required time to keep on top of your marketing planning and strategy. Not reacting and adapting to the changing demands of your customers and clients can mean missing out on business opportunities.

With a wealth of experience and knowledge, we are confident about creating successful online marketing strategies. Media Leads can help plan & implement a marketing plan for your business that works, along with continued monitoring & adjustment to adapt to your target market & audiences.

Media Leads currently manage marketing for businesses of all different sizes and from many different sectors, so it’s hard for us to say without an insight into your particular business.

Before advising the correct approach to beginning your marketing journey, Media Leads will undertake research to understand your business and where you are in the market compared to your competitors.

We then sit down and propose a strategic marketing approach, we concentrate on creating and sharing valued, appropriate and consistent content to engage and maintain your targeted audience.

The initial work done Media Leads to propose and Implement your new marketing strategy may take a few weeks. 

However our work doesn’t end there, we aim to continually develop and improve your specific proposal to ensure your business is receiving optimum, personalised support and performance enhancement over extended periods of time.

We aim to test all areas of marketing as part of our strategy, however as your campaigns develops we will then focus on those that are highest performing & most profitable.

Primary digital marketing tools we use are –

  • Social Media
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Email Marketing